Adverts and News

Adverts and news

In this post I will be analysing the advertising media and news media in regards to postcolonialism. I will review and explore different impacts on how advertising affects the society. I will also explore the different news coverage in regards to racial issues and how it affects society.

In comparison to the past in this generation people are more accepting of the different variations of cultures, ideas, and ideals. An example of which is Racism an issue that was once taken seriously. Racism in definition means “The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others” (Accessed: 2/4/13 Available: As the world expand so does the media, the  media before in terms of race it is much more constricted, close minded, unwelcoming and highly stereotyped.An example of which is a soap advert Fairy that contained subliminal message.

a96917_a566_1-soao2The graphics in the picture is black girl with a white girl holding the the fairy soap, where the white girl innocently asks “Why doesn’t your mamma wash you with fairy soap?” that connotes the idea of black people having dirty skin, the expression for both children expresses the attitude people had, where the whites are oblivious to their manner towards racism. Not only does this express the idea of uncleanness it also questions beauty and the socially desired “colour” where white means clean and black means dirty and so in this simple yet complex advert expresses the term Colourism.

Colourism is discrimination towards people with lighter skin where they are treated more favourably that results to racism within the same race, as there would be this animosity of who is lighter and who isn’t. Although we are diverse, “white” is still accounted to behold this supremacy over darker  people. To the extent where people literally change their skin colours. An example of this is largely found in Asia where whitening of the skin is somehow the ideal and the norm, places such as Bangkok, China, Singapore, India, Philippines are mostly places where it  is sunny all year round, where it is believed the lighter you look the more attractive you are other than this it depicts a sense  of higher social status. Not only do people ‘whiten’ their skin but some also have surgeries, one of the most common type of surgery procedure in Asia is double eye lid surgery which is an extreme way of changing the way you appear to achieve the western look. essay AmericanOptical1948In the advert for American Optical in 1948 showing two pictures of a orient woman and a western woman with the heading ‘Whose eyes are better?’ then in the next line in smaller writing it says ‘Neither. American eyes are no better than others’, we only have to see the heading and the pictures to see that it is a form of stereotype to Asians, until we read the next line, the advert itself is contradicting as it says “American eyes are no better to others” which then becomes controversial as it consists racist remarks that “Americans are better”, “the American way of life constantly to improve our standards of living” (Accessed: 12/4/13, Web: But the advert also imply the way American’s see and the way other people see are the same that our point of view are no better to one another. But because of society the government and the media we are made to see the difference we have with one another. Hybridity is one of the outcomes of post colonisation, it is a term that is described  as a mixture between two subjects whether be it animals, people or objects. At some point within the past hybridity was seen as a threat because they believed that it was a form of contamination “European fears of contamination… Ideologies of racial difference were intensified by their incorporation into the discourse of science” (Book: Colonialism/Postcolonialism by Ana Loomba Accessed: 15/4/2013) in other words hybridity became part of a “”colonialist discourse to racism.” (Web: Accessed: 15/4/13).

What makes a distinctive difference between the east and the west in terms on women is the veil, otherwise known as the hijab, niqab or burka worn by muslims that originated in the east.tumblr_lw3wuuaD5w1qze0z6o1_500The veil in the eyes of the west is seen as  a symbol of oppression to women, subordination and “made invisible” (Book:Post colonialism A very short introduction by Oxford university press, Accessed: 12/4/13) as they are fully covered. But even though they are seen vulnerable in some ways they are also seen as a threat, this idea of the unknown the hidden aspect  of what is underneath of the niqab. In recent news a woman who worked in a Victoria Secret shop was thrown with acid on her face in London by a person wearing a niqab, which means the victim didn’t see the person’s face so she could not identify the suspect whether be it a non white or white woman or man. The society immediately assume that it was an asian person due to the clothes they wore. The authority look down upon those who are non whites and those who are less unfortunate.  Which brings me to Orientalism it is the “intellectual studies of the East” (Book: Cultural theory the key concepts, Accessed by: 12/4/13) the east was and is viewed as silently different, exotic, sensual, eccentric and passive and is further explored and portrayed visually more strongly in fashion. Where the east is shown to be extravagant, exotic, high class, elegant and luxurious.

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One particular image that I would like to point out is an editorial picture from Vogue Russia August 2012Kelly_mittendorf_sebastia_ mader_1Kelly_mittendorf_sebastia_ mader_6(Website/picture: Accessed: 15/4/13) where they have used a white woman as a Japanese woman by simply making her eyes look smaller, what I can interpret from the picture is an exploration of the Eastern style from Western’s perception as they have used a model who is not Asian.  As the “whites” are seen as the norm they are used to some degree  because their beauty can easily be adaptable and moulded into different types of beauty. My other interpretation of the image is the unity of two opposite cultures a unity that should be celebrated.  In conjunction to the East being extravagant and exotic the middle east is perceive negatively due to terrorist attacks from 9/11 in America to the London Bombings, east is in the west perception is a region which can easily be manipulated and controlled over. The east is divided into two categories the exotic such as india, pakistan and the orient Japan, china and singapore. In comparison to the west, the East is in a way today more advanced for some due to technology, and oil. Oil is one of the main causes of conflicts between leaders, as they strive to fight who possesses more. As oil seems to be seen a product of power and wealth due to the fact that we need oil to have electricity, we are accustomed to having the luxury over electricity and so by having oil the government has the power to control. But in some cases for example the Iraq war, which was a fight over oil, George Bush was  threatened by Iraq  may use oil against America he had stated “If Osama bin Laden gain control of Iraq, they would create a new training ground for future terrorist attacks” (Web:, Accessed: 28/ 4/ 13)where by he initiated the war over Iraq so he may control them. And because of the 9/11 and the war against Iraq, the middle east is viewd as a threat and is likely to be monitored.

The differences with today and the past is that  it is no longer about taking over ones country but more on control over power and money, the strive to maintain on top. One of the effects in maintaining power is  ‘the third world’, the term was “originally invented on the model of the Third Estate’ of the French revolution’ (Book: Postcolonialism pg.16) which was a social system that divided people in terms of class, First Estate were the  clergy members, Second Estate were the nobles and lastly the Third Estate were middle, working class people addressed as peasants. With power hierarchy is inevitable, power is carefully controlled evidence of which is shown through politics, government, and authorites even though we have a more cultural respect and tolerance of our differences, in regards to politics non whites are looked down upon and are exploited. Although the west have always been known as the most powerful those who are non whites are not far long behind . In todays economy  one of the biggest issue is America’s has debt towards China, America is the most known country from the west the reason for this is probably because of Hollywood, we assume that because they are the most known country from the west we immediately assume their dominance. But roughly in 2012 China became more inferior to America financially and by 2013 America is in debt to china by approximately $17 trillion. Capitalism and imperialism are one in a few major outcomes from colonisation. With this those who are in the third world are greatly affected, such as South America, Africa, middle East and South East. third_world_mapas you can see the third world consists of countries that are non whites, with this you can visually see the white supremacy. In one of United colours of Benetton advertising campaigns titled ‘UNHATE’ shows conflicting leaders from different countries kissing each other who are inadequately partnered.benetton_unhate_myung_bak_jong_il_dps pope-sheikh-kiss-unhate-benetton benetton-clothing-unhate-germany-france-600-27232

benetton_campaign_2011_obama_hu-jintao One of which is by President Obama from America and President Hu Jintao President of China. United colours of Benetton is a clothing brand, and within their campaigns enhances, magnifies and concentrates on the words “United Colours”, their adverts are very much controversial where they would address racial, religious and political issues within society. This act is to help “stimulate reflection on politics, faith and ideas” (Website: Accessed: 2/5/2013) and “to contribute to the creation of a new culture of tolerance” (Web:, Accessed: 2/5/2013) in this generation ideas are no longer simply black and white, literally and metaphorically, which is fully expressed within ‘UNHATE’ campaign. Where by to some extent the two leaders within the picture have some issues towards one another. Even though racism is not as severe as it was before it quietly lingers.

In recent news racial attacks in Greece has escalated it is stated in ‘The Guardian’ there had been “154 cases of racist violence in 2012, including 25 in which victims said the perpetrators were police… and the number of attacks recorded had increased 20% from the previous year” (Web:, Accessed: 3/ 5/ 2013) what astounds me is that in some cases the police are the perpetrators which is frighteningly disconcerting as they are people who are supposedly protect  you from harms way. And to find that they are one of the suspects is a disgustingly shameful act. In relation to this is is the supposed initiation of the London riots was the case of Mark Duggan. Who was killed by a police officer, the start of the riots were not all based on the case of Mark Duggan but it certainly motivated it, the cause of the police officer racial profiling Mark Duggan has caused him his death.  Racial profiling is  “the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed an offence” (Web:, Accessed: 3/ 5/ 2013) the main key from the definition of racial profiling is the word suspecting which indicated discrimination towards Duggan, assuming that Duggan carried an armed weapon, because of where he lives and the colour of his skin. Italy has recently elected their first black minister and instead of being celebrated she is being verbally  ambushed by the people and by xenophobic politicians. She had stated that “Italy isn’t racist country. The problem is ignorance of the other” (Web: Accessed: 4/ 5/ 2013). Even though discrimination still lingers what causes racism today is the ignorance of other cultures, immigration should not be frowned upon and discouraged  but to be welcomed as it nourishes the balance and harmony of our livelihood. The advantage of the media is for us to be more aware of things that is happening around the world, the negative aspect of it is it causes fear, doubt, and unnecessary stereotypes and discrimination.

Written by Angeli Del Mar



-‘Cultural theory’ the key concepts Edited by Andrew Edgar and Peter Sedwick.

-‘An introduction to Post-colonial theory by Peter Childs and Patrick Williams.

-‘Postcolonialism’ A very short Introduction by Robert J.C.Young.

-‘Colonialism/Postcolonialism’ by Ania Loomba












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